Tuesday 11 January 2011

Gift a stranger

What a great way to pay it forward: http://www.giftastranger.net/

A friend of mine emailed me this link, saying it reminded him of me.  It certainly struck a cord!  I remember sending a book to a friend of mine many years ago.  I didn't see her all that often and promptly forgot all about it.  I few months later she got in touch to say she had had a life changing experience and a random book she had been sent had really touched her life.  I had thought I had put a slip in to say it was from me and obviously I didn't - we had a good laugh about it.

It made me appreciate how special it can feel to be sent something without knowing who or where it has come from.  It helps to restore your faith in humanity and the universe, whether you are the sender or the recipient!  A great way of giving and receiving simultaneously!

There is peace in sharing and appreciating that together we have what we need.

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